Shuffling a tarot deck may be not as simple as you usually think.
I once thought that ‘how to shuffle tarot cards’ is a silly question before. In fact, many see cards are cards and end up treating tarot as a deck of tarot cards. However, you need to know that there are many differences between a tarot deck and playing cards.
When working with tarot, the transfer of energy is very essential. For precise guidance from the oracle cards, the practitioners have to be open to the surroundings and possibilities.
The best way helping you reset the energy before starting a reading is to shuffle tarot cards; by doing that, you don’t have to be afraid that energies from the previous session can remain.
Keep reading for more info!
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Top 5 Techniques of Shuffling Tarot Cards

What is the right way to shuffle?
Referring to shuffling your Tarot deck, there is no right or wrong way. Of all methods, trust your intuition and choose the one you feel most comfortable. Make sure it works for you personally and all the cards are mixed well.
The contact of your hands with the cards will strengthen the energy and connection.
#1: Cut the deck
If you expect something common, then I introduce the “cut the deck” method. Like it is called, all you need to do is cutting the deck after shuffling the card. You can try this technique with an oversized tarot deck.
So, you start cutting the deck repeatedly and then insert smaller piles of cards into the main deck randomly. In order words, keep dividing the cards into small stacks and merge them into the original deck in different orders.
You should do this method several times before starting a reading.
I recommend you to use the cut the deck technique if you prefer working with reversed cards – you can reverse as many or few cards as you want with ease.
Check out the King of Wands meaning in the reversed position!
#2: Messy pile
For those looking for a technique that works well with all kinds of tarot decks, have you heard about the “messy pile” method?
Let me remind you that this is less elegant than other ways in terms of shuffling tarot cards; however, it works perfectly no matter what size your deck is. What’s more? You will get the extreme contact with the cards via the messy pile technique – this is great for a reading.
How does it work?
Firstly, you need to lay all the cards face down on the table and then mix them well before reforming the deck. Put it simply, spread your tarot cards with their face down on a flat surface and stir them around so that the cards can sense your energy. Gather them back again when you feel they’re well-mixed enough.
Make sure to keep all the cards face down when collecting them back. After this shuffle, you can also cut the deck.
Discover the in-depth meaning for the Queen of Swords card here!
#3: Faro shuffle
Also known as the “playing card” method, this is the classic one that I bet all of you are familiar with. With this technique, practitioners need to hold half of the deck in each hand. Remember that the fronts of two piles have to face against each other. Now bend the cards using your thumbs and then combine them together.
If your hands are big and your tarot deck’s size is small enough, then you should consider this popular shuffle. Nevertheless, please note that the faro shuffle technique may cause your cards to tear or fold despite its simplicity.
#4: One at a time
Here is a methodical way to shuffle your tarot deck!
The first thing to do is putting each card on the right side with the face down; then, gather them back one at a time. This method is ideal if you plan for a reading to keep yourself grounded. Maybe you’re depressed at this moment, or you just experienced a tough day. No matter what your situation is, shuffling tarot cards with the one at a time technique can refreshen your energy.
Also, you can transfer your energy to the cards by touching them methodically one at a time. While doing the shuffle, calmly breathe in and out when interacting with each card – letting your feelings, thoughts, and emotions run through your body.
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#5: Running shuffle
In case you want to show off your shuffling skills, the running shuffle method will be a cool choice for demonstration. Commonly used at casino, you can take advantage of this to shuffle your tarot deck.
Let’s start bringing a list of tarot cards on the table horizontally. Next, pick up a small pile of cards at a random order and place them on the top of the deck. Keep doing like this for a couple of times (4-5 times). This technique needs to be done with speed and professionalism; that explains only true tarot readers perform it.
In general, running shuffle is impressive to watch.
Try it if you want to protect your cards!
In Conclusion
You already know how to shuffle tarot cards, right?
Tell yourself that the shuffling process is a significant step in any reading. Though it may look simple, the impact is incredible. Interacting with the cards physically will relax your mind and spirit as well as transfer your energy to the divine cards so that you can gain the most from a tarot session.
Since each card offers a unique meaning and interpretation, you better concentrate on questions you are seeking the answer during the cards shuffling process.
There is no specific rule, really!
The key to achieve the best tarot love reading relies on your intuition. Thus, listen to your own intuition in order to decide the most comfortable way to shuffle cards and the best tarot cards for your circumstance.
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