How would you see the Tower yes or no in a Tarot spread?
This card has a love/hate relationship with most Tarot readers. Not many have good feelings when the Tower shows up in a reading, same as the Death and Devil cards, especially if it reflects the future.
Like any card in the deck, the Tower has both positive and negative sides.
If this Major Arcana card appears after the shuffle, you may wonder whether it’s a sign of a loss or a fresh start.
So what does it really mean to you?
Keep reading the details following for more info!
Table of Contents
Understanding the Tower Yes No Meaning

What are the Tower card’s keywords?
- Upright: sudden and intense change, revelation, painful loss, tragedy, release
- Reversed: a narrow escape, resisting change, delaying inevitability, avoiding tragedy
If you find the presence of this card in a yes or no Tarot reading, then tell yourself that it’s a negative card. Depending on your yes no questions, the Tower delivers a warning associated with each situation.
The hidden meaning of the Tower…
Firstly, the image of the Tower means changes in your life. It gives you a glimpse of the old being removed and replacing by the new. Well, don’t mistake this card representing a managed change, like you considering finding a new job.
Instead, it’s more prone to a sudden and intense change. Without any warning, changes represented by the Tower are forced and caused by external circumstances.
Unexpected (or unwanted) changes may bring a great deal of trauma into your life as well as people around you. Keep in mind that they are probably not easy to cope with; however, those changes are also not something you can dodge over. The way you handle it yourself will affect the outcome.
The appearance of the Tower means a change in whatever area is needed in your life.
In case you keep ignoring all the signs and doing nothing to improve it, the spiritual force will offer a helping hand. Don’t feel gloomy or doomed when seeing this card; in fact, you will achieve benefits at the end of the day. But, as how the world runs, you need to go through stressful, depressed moments before reaching the finish.
You will adapt yourself to new changes after a few months, and then you will realize its significance in developing yourself.
The yes or no answer of the Tower
This Major Arcana card is all about unexpected changes and events occurring in your life. As I said, the changes are not as positive as you might think. They’re actually more related to catastrophe, disaster, and other negative aspects. In your daily life, changes of the Tower denote accidents or damages.
Due to that, its answer is a no.
Typically, if a Tarot card is in the upright position, then it gives yes as an answer; meanwhile, a reversed card indicates a no. Similarly, you must keep the message of the Tower yes or no card in mind.
1. The upright Tower
Again, the Tower represents sudden changes, a total collapse, and interference.
When this card is drawn in the upright position, it’s a reminder telling you that holding things in the past is not good. What is over…just let it go! It’s time for some critical changes to help better your life.
2. The reversed Tower
How things will turn out if the Tower is in the reversed position?
The upside down tower reflects the fact that you’re trying to resist the change at all cost. Put it simply, there is no future at this point for your situation.
Have a look at the Emperor yes or no (if interested).
Interpreting the Tower General Meaning

As I already explained about the upright Tower, let’s focus more on the Tower when reversed in this part.
Without knowing, you’re clinging on people and objects that bring no good to you just because of fear. Is it true? Well, this is how the Tower reversed personifies your current circumstance. Though you’ve told many times to yourself that it’s better to let go, you end up holding things tighter.
Of course you will get over this but how long?
When looking back, maybe the only thing you regret is that you’ve wasted too much time. If you receive the reversed Tower in a reading, please take a moment to calm your mind and ask yourself this question: “What can I let go of?”
If you’re suffering from heart matters, please don’t keep holding on; instead, release it and accept the reality. I know it sounds easier, but leaving the pain behind is the only way to find back positive parts and bring true happiness to your life.
How can you move forwards and achieve your dreams if you still think about your old habits and miserable stories in the past?
The presence of this negative card hints that you should learn to forget your old self and focus more on aspects helping you approach a new beginning.
In the reversed position, the Tower indicates a few different things.
It could be that you are resisting change or that change is delayed because of some reasons. In other cases, it probably indicates a destructive circumstance in which you have avoided. If the upright position symbolizes external forces, then the upside down Tower denotes internal transformation. With this interpretation, perhaps you have to fight against the confusion in your belief system.
In Conclusion
In general, the Tower yes or no will deliver a no answer if you ask about whether things in your life will go right. Also keep in mind that this is not the ideal type to establish a new business, start a new project, or strengthen your relationships.
This Major Arcana card is about to bring the tsunami wave to your life; thus, your challenge is to deal with it before taking positive moves. Again, you don’t need to worry because tough time won’t stay forever.
Try to endure the storm; once it passes, you can make a fresh start.
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